Getting Started

Welcome to the Frontend Engineer Handbook!

Are you tired of sifting through outdated articles? Look no further! This handbook is here to guide you through the constantly-moving world of front end engineering.

Practical guides are provided by this handbook that will help you create an app from start to finish and understand the different concepts thrown around in the front end world, with real-life examples and code.

The goal of this handbook is to keep you updated with the latest and most effective solutions for common everyday problems.

For now, this handbook focusses on a React + TypeScript environment.

Handbook mission

  • Newcomers are guided through frontend engineering.

  • Information is provided that is kept up-to-date by constantly revisiting articles.

  • Practical guides for common challenges are provided.

  • Stay updated with solutions.

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Efforts are made to keep information up-to-date as much as possible, as well as to understand any areas that are missing. That is why the ability to comment below each article has been added. Please comment and help create better documentation for all.

Get started

Set up your environment so that coding can be done proficiently.

Building strong foundations

Learn how to set up and architect a development environment to suit the needs of your team(s) and application(s).

Building an application

An overview of the different problem areas within an application and how to best solve them.

Development workflow

Learn how to integrate processes that empower, not block, teams to introduce changes to your application(s).

Build tools